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3 December, 2021
Lymestone, the elegant from old architecture history
Many architectural works in the world have survived through a lot of wind, the dust over time, Lymestone still makes a difference and endures with a long history. In the West, people love the historic stone surfaces of ancient Lymestone castles. There will be sun and rain streaks, random weathering streaks or traces of time left on their works.

Today, with the advanced countries in the world preserving such historical works, they are constantly researching and finding out the solution that can preserve all the inherent characteristics of the Lymestone. On the other hand does not cost too much for the exploitation of nature, construction and installation in the context of expensive human resources today. In Vietnam, in recent years, with more and more architectural interference and the trend of using Lymestone is becoming popular.
Come close enough to feel that the Lymestone wall not only stops at the elegance and harmony but also carries all the inherent beauty of contemporary Lymestone.

The Lymestone finish by Dryvit, an American brand, has recreated Lymestone’s finish consisting of natural minerals, with 100% acrylic polymers and pigments that have successfully provided a perfect finish and boost. add long-term sustainability to interior and exterior walls.